the twins went to their first "official" birthday party. It was for the little girl across the street, she was turning 3. It was at a place called "Ready, Set, Go" and the kids had a really good time. McKenna's favorite was the rings, she would hold on, let the staff(girl who worked there) push her out and then fall into a pit of foam blocks--she did this for about 30 minuts straight and her hair was soaked she was so hot!! Jace had fun on the bungee swing and jumping on the trampolines.
School was good this week. I took pictures of their "work" it's their handprints and paperplate faces. If you will notice there is the super glue tube super glued to Jace's because of course he broke it when he was holding it just "because I wanted to" and I got the superglue out (surprised we actually had some in our house) and tried to get the lid off but it wouldn't budge so I set it down on the hand to go break up a sharing issue and when I came back the tube had leaked all over the hand and not in the place it was broken and the entire tube is now super glued to the hand--so goes our life........my analogy is that our life is that way but the superglue still has us glued together mostly........
I added a picture of Taylor, this is one of the 5 million she has taken of herself because when your are 16 you must have the right profile picture for you myspace page but it reminds how pretty and sweet she is.
The last picture I took is of the kids having a bedtime snack last night.
1 comment:
LOL okay the super glue lid make his hand print look like an ashtray! Only because it's not up close but that is too funny! It a good thing he didnt glue his hands together!
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